February Parenting Matters


Hello RezParents (and Grandparents) - 

So, how did February go? Were you able to use any of the resources from last month’s email? I’d love to hear how you used them and how God is showing Himself in your family!

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Below are a few resources for you to use in the Month of March, and beyond.

Parent Resources:

To Listen:

We’ll never be all-knowing, all-powerful, or all-wise. But God is, and always will be. And while we’re here in this broken world, we can’t do an ounce of good unless we begin with ourselves and those in our care —looking at who WE are becoming.

We have to have a solid foundation of truth; we must build our lives upon the gospel.

— Ruth Chou Simons

Ruth and her husband Troy have written a devotion book to use with your family (see below). This book can be used with children in any season, kindergarten through adulthood. Even younger children will benefit from going through these twelve foundational truths. If your children don’t fully grasp the concepts you are talking through, that’s fine. You are still establishing time together, set apart, for intentional conversation and scripture study. 

These podcast episodes correlate with the Foundations book this couple has written. Use these resources together over the next month or two to really set a foundation of truth in your children's faith and in your family relationships. 2021 is a year of building foundations in RezKids. Let that spill over into your home as well. 

Click here to listen to all the Foundations Podcast episodes with Troy and Ruth Chou Simons

Spiritual Formation:

Foundations: Twelve Biblical Truths to Shape a Family by Ruth Chou Simons and Troy Simons


You want your children to become Christ followers, obedient to His commands, and fruitful in their faith, but where do you begin? Though there isn’t a formula or prescription for raising godly kids, what you desire for your family begins with heeding God’s instructions to remember and declare His faithful works to the next generation.

Bestselling author and artist Ruth Chou Simons, along with her husband, Troy, are gratefully raising six boys on a firm foundation of God’s Word by preaching that truth to themselves and their family daily. In this book, they invite you to join them in the holy work of training children to know and love God for a lifetime.

Foundations will help you direct your family one day at a time, as you explore 12 key truths that will help connect your children’s hearts—and yours—to the heart of God. With a simple, chapter-a-day format that includes Scripture, devotional thoughts, meditations, and discussion questions, this book will guide you in leading your family.    


Lamplighters Kids Podcast


We're on a mission to bring traditional virtues to modern kids! Young hearts and minds are formed by the stories they are told which is why each original episode will highlight a traditional virtue such as courage, honor, grace, and beauty. These captivating stories and songs will sweep your kids into new and exciting worlds! Simple discussion questions are asked at the end of each episode to help kids and adults further explore the virtues presented in the story!


You can sign your children up for “Letters from Momo,” the main character in these podcast stories. There is a fee associated with the letter subscription, but it may be perfect for your family. Details are in the link above.


  • Cultivate meaningful relationships with your children

  • Establish a routine of Gospel focused conversation with your family

  • Utilize a parent podcast to prepare you to be more comfortable during family devotion time

  • Fill the “downtime” with a children's podcast that will help build character

Action Steps:

Download the Foundations podcast on your phone now to have it ready to listen whenever you have a few minutes (while cooking, cleaning, folding laundry, or driving).

  1. Purchase the Foundations book (link above.)

  2. Plan for one evening a week to be family devotion time.

  3. Mark it on your calendar so you don’t forget!!

  4. Download the Lamplighter Kids podcast to your phone or device so it’s ready to go the next time you need something for kids to do.

Ok, take a few moments and look over these action steps. Add some, or all, to your planner to ensure you make progress on these steps this week so you are prepared to implement these tools and resources in March. 

“Life is too short and too meaningful to coast through. The good you do today has the potential to change generations.  —Lara Casey


Mandy Seymour

Childrens Minister
